I Recommend . . .

Plot & Structure, by James Scott Bell, is a revolutionary book to many of us who are writing novels. It's funny how many times I've run into someone who finds it as inspiring as I have: I told Lois about it, she finished it before me and urged me to hurry up! Finish it! Then my sister-in-law, Laura, who has had a novel living in her head for years, picked it up and was amazed at how easy plotting became for her! For me, ever the random writer, it's provided me with a real structure that I can depend on. At the same time, Bell hasn't given me a set of rigid rules. I hate rigid rules when it comes to a creative process. Oxymoronic.

His book is also full of examples of authors and how they use certain techniques. I'm constantly saying, "Ohhhh, I see that!"

At the end of every chapter, he has exercises to do. Usually I just roll my eyes and ignore this kind of thing. But these exercises are so practical I want to do them, for the good of my novel.

So, get this book! Quick, before they're all gone!


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